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Frances Densmore Native American Song Collection

Native American Music collected in the early 20th century by Frances Densmore.
Currently the database contains 42 Ojibway songs.
Press the "Submit Search" to view all incipits.

Pitch pitch search help A-G, sharp=#, flat=-
e.g. C E- G F#
Interval interval search help maj=M, min=m, aug=A, dim=d per=P, fifth=5, up=+, down=-.
e.g. +m9 -P8 +M3 P1
Gross Contour gross contour help up=/, down=\, unison=-.
e.g. //\-/ or uudsu
Refined Contour refined contour help up step=u, up leap=U,
down step=d, down leap=D, same=s. e.g. uUDsdu
Location beginning of theme only, or
anywhere in theme
search location help

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